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Delegated access in Gmail
Creating a delegation In order to set up delegated access in Gmail, you must first log in directly to the generic email account using the logon information (email and password). Once successfully logged in, do the following: - Click on the Settings ...
Bruin Voice (Zoom Phone) extension.
Departments in need of new phone numbers/extensions for staff or research labs must submit a request through Campus IT Service via IT Services' Webcenter. As SEASnet is not privy to the FAU required for charging the phone service, nor do we have ...
SEASnet Applications Support
SEASnet offers support for specific applications developed by our department. However, there are certain applications that fall outside the scope of our support. Please view the following list of applications and type of support that we provide: ...
Configuring Multi Factor Authentication on Google Workspace
Configuring Multi-Factor Authentication on your Google Workspace Mailbox (Gmail) Click on the Google Apps Launcher located in the top right corner of your mailbox, then select "Accounts." Once you're on your Google Account page, navigate to the ...
Enroll students to a previous course or grant them an extension
For granting access to previous quarters classes: Go to the class in question Go to "Settings" Under "Course Details" go to "Participation" and switch from "Term" to "Course" Under "Start" select the date for yesterday, under "End" select the date ...