IT Resources for MSOL

IT Resources for MSOL

Login: UCLA Logon ID

Where to get help: or contact UCLA IT Services

You will use your UCLA Logon ID to access the following resources:
  • Bruin Learn for class websites
  • Zoom for online office hours
  • ScheduleIt for studio reservations (instructors only)
  • MyEngineering for class resource activation form
If you are having a problem with your UCLA Logon ID, do the following:
  1. Try to login at with your UCLA Logon ID. If not successful, then go to to try to resolve your problem.
  2. If #1 is successful, email with the error message and the resource you're trying to access.

Login: TA accounts

Where to get help:
In addition to the UCLA Logon ID, TAs are required to have a SEASnet TA account to access the following resources:

How to request for a TA account and activate some of the resources listed above:

  • You must request for a TA account by filling out the class resource activation form
  • If you need Cadence or any other licensed software (that you've already arranged with SEASnet), specify the software you need in the "Software" box on the form
  • Your TA account will have access to the same class resources that your students have access to
  • Your TA account cannot receive email

Document scanning:

  • A digital scanner is available at the SEAShet Helpdesk office, 2684 Boelter Hall (see office hours). The scanner is to be used for instructional purposes only.

Zoom: Accounts

Where to get

UCLA students are eligible for Zoom's Licensed account type, just like instructors and TAs. To get started, please see

Lectures: recording system

Where to get help: or 4732 BH

Echo360 Active Learning Platform is the MSOL's official video capturing system. Echo360 employs AWS to provide top reliability and streaming performance to students anywhere in the world. Echo360 not only provides an industry-leading video system that records and delivers highest quality video, but also provides the ability for students to download videos for streaming off-line (similar to commercial streaming platforms, such as Netflix), engagement tools that promote active learning from anywhere, and analytics that can be used to gauge student learning behaviors so instructors can act before it is too late.

Echo360 vs. Zoom/Kaltura:

  • Use Echo360 for primary weekly lectures
  • Use Kaltura in Bruin Learn for supplemental videos, such as Zoom recordings for office hours or TA discussions

Lectures: NEW recordings

Where to get help:

If you plan to record new lectures, including recording using Echo360 personal computer software (be sure to check the software for updates before recording), coordinate with

Recording for non-MSOL classes must first be approved by Dean Yang.

Lectures: recording studios

Where to get help: or 4732 BH

You must first coordinate with

Reservations: (reservations are required for all studios)

The MSOL program has staff ready to assist you with the training and usage of Echo360. Please contact to get started. Additional online user manual is available at There is also a video training at

Please note that Echo360 is integrated into your class website in Bruin Learn. For assistance with this integration, contact


  • Check out the studio key from 4732 BH. Be sure to return the key at the end of the quarter.



Studio A4732 BHEcho360 recording for class presentations
Studio B4732 BHEcho360 recording for class presentations
Studio C4732 BHZoom for online office hours

NOTE: For classroom video capturing, contact

Laptop software:

If you need a software installed on the studio laptops, please consult with

Lectures: recording on your own device

Where to get help:

Echo360 vs. Zoom/Kaltura:

  • Use Echo360 for primary weekly lectures
  • Use Kaltura in Bruin Learn for supplemental videos, such as Zoom recordings for office hours or TA discussions

If you have not installed Echo360 Universal Personal Capture software:

  1. Go to your Bruin Learn class site
  2. Click "Ech360 Presentations" in the "Quick Links" table
  3. Click on the Echo360 button on the next page to go to Echo360
  4. Click on the gear icon in the upper right corner and select "Downloads" from the menu
  5. Under "Universal Capture: Personal", choose "Mac Download" or "Windows Download"
  6. Install the downloaded file
  7. Optionally watch the video tutorial

To begin recording:

  1. Open "Echo360 Capture" app on your Mac or Windows computer
  2. You will be directed to login at
  3. Login with your email address in the Campus Directory
    • If you have never logged in directly to, at "Forgot your password?", click "reset". You will get the instruction to reset your password at your email address in the Campus Directory.
  4. After you've successfully logged into, you can begin recording on your computer.
  5. Set metadata (title, details, etc.) and publish it to your course.
  6. After the Echo360 Capture app finishes uploading to the Echo360 cloud, confirm the capture is in your course in the Echo360 cloud. If you need help, contact

Lectures: uploading Zoom/Kaltura videos into Echo360

Where to get

Use Echo360 for primary weekly lectures. If you have any primary weekly lectures that are not in Echo360, it is possible to upload these videos into Echo360.

To download Zoom/Kaltura videos from Bruin Learn:



  1. Go to your Bruin Learn site that has the recordings
  2. Navigate to your course Media Gallery or My Media
  3. Click on the title of a video
    • Note: You may need to use the filter to locate this video. If your video was not added to your course, it will not be in the associated Media Gallery.
  4. Click on the Actions drop down menu
  5. Select Edit
  6. Click on the Downloads tab
  7. Select the video you wish to download
  8. Save
  9. Select Go to Media
  10. Click on the Downloads tab
  11. Download the video using the downwards arrow

To upload non-Echo360 videos into Echo360:

(For help, contact

  1. Supported Content Formats
  2. Uploading Media Into Echo360
  3. Post Media to an Echo360 Course

Lectures: editing and recovery

Where to get help:

Services available by

  • Editing of Echo360 presentations
  • Recovery of missing Echo360 presentations
  • Archival or deletion of Echo360 presentations

Lectures: Additional Features

Where to get help:

Services available within Echo360

  • New:Chaptering is now in beta. Currently, users can only auto-generate chapters, but not edit them.
  • The EchoVideo Live Player is currently undergoing changes and may look different from expected

Lectures: releasing to students

Where to get help:

Please note that Echo360 content older than 4 years will be deleted and cannot be restored. A content that is republished to another course offering will have its 4-year reset.

Initially your presentations are NOT released to the students.

  • Your new Echo360 presentations can be released to your students as soon as they are processed. All new presentations are initially unreleased. If you wish all your new presentations to be initially released, please contact
  • Your existing Echo360 presentations can be released to your students at any time. All existing presentations are initially unreleased. Note that just before the beginning of each quarter, your IT support will publish all your class existing presentations to the new quarter. If you wish to "un-publish" all of these re-published presentations in the new quarter because you plan to record new lectures, please contact

To navigate to your Echo360 lectures:

  1. Login to
  2. Go to your class website
  3. Click on "Echo360 Presentations" in the "Quick Links" table, then click the button "Load Echo360 Presentations into a new window"
  4. You should arrive at at the landing page that lists all your presentations for the class (if not, click DASHBORAD > look for the class and click "ALL CLASSES" button). If any of your presentations are missing, please contact

Release instruction:

  1. Click on the "availability" icon (white background  means available) for the presentation you wish to release.

  2. Click one of the following: 
    • "Make available" to release the presentation now (the "availability" icon should change to "white")
    • "Availability settings" to schedule the presentation to be released at a future date (the "availability" icon should stay black and will change to white on the scheduled date of release)

  3. For more details, see Editing Availability Settings for Published Content

To change your lecture titles:

  1. Editing lecture name and description

To organize your lectures in the list:

  1. Reordering lectures
  2. Grouping lectures (we recommend grouping your lectures by week)

Bad/unwanted presentations:

  • If you have a bad or unwanted presentation, please email to delete it. In your email, please include as much detail as possible about the unwanted presentation to minimize any deletion accident.

Lectures: transcription for ADA/504

Where to get help:

Video transcription is enabled to comply with ADA/504 guidelines. Echo360 videos are now including automated transcription generated through the Amazon ASR service. Please note that ASR is not 100% accurate and must be edited and applied as captions.

Online: class websites

Where to get help:

Please visit

Online: office hours

Where to get help:

Software: activation/request
Where to get help:

Please visit


It is the responsibility of the instructor/TA to test all coursework being run prior to assigning to the students. SEASnet will only work with the instructor/TA to resolve any issue related to software installations.

Software: MATLAB

Where to get help:

UCLA has a campus-wide license for MATLAB. MATLAB is also installed on the Remote Desktop.

Software: Cadence/EE

Where to get help:

Cadence and other EE software are not available for your class until you fill out the class resource activation form for your class to specifically request for it.

Many students have trouble with setting up these software for first use, so please give your students a clear instruction on how use these software. SEASnet has the instruction on to how access the eeapps servers at Your responsibility is to provide the instruction on what to do next after the students have logged in to eeapps.

Software: Remote Desktop

Where to get

SEASnet Remote Desktop is used by TAs and students to access lab software.

Software: NEW software

Where to get help:

New lab software currently not installed on SEASnet requires 
one quarter advance notice. Please verify and test software in our environment, including the Remote Desktop, prior to assigning any student work that uses the software (use your SEASnet TA account to test). If you have any UCLA Extension students in your class, you must verify that any MSDNAA software required for the class is available on the Remote Desktop.

Misc: equipment checkouts

Where to get help: 4732 BH

There are laptops, tablets and microphones available for you to checkout in 4732 BH. Please be responsible and take good care of the equipments in your possession and return them promptly at the end of each quarter so that they are available on-time to the next instructors/TAs.

Misc: teaching evaluation surveys

Where to get help:

The evaluation of instruction program is handled by UCLA Center for the Advancement of Teaching.

  • For details, visit
  • The evaluation surveys open on Thursday of the 9th week and close at 8AM on Saturday of the 10th week.

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